Monday, May 26, 2014

Be Forewarned!

Gag alert... don't read if you have a weak stomach or are in the process of eating! Lest anyone think that working with 5 to 7 year olds is all sweetness and good humor, here's a look at the icky side. Today, two really gross things happened to me. 

Right after lunch, a copper-haired boy walked by my room en route to the nurse's office, which happens to be beside mine. Inexplicably, he had a grin on his face as he told me he'd just thrown up. Due to the smile, I might have been tempted to think he was faking illness, but lo and behold, I spotted a thick blob of chunky orange vomit just sitting there on his shirt. Sorry, Connie Williams, but I said I hoped he'd feel better soon and let him make his way right on down to YOU!

Then at the end of the day, as I was opening car doors for the children, 
a first grade boy quietly walked up to my traffic cone and announced himself with a monster sneeze, which projected the biggest stream of (umm, how should I phrase this delicately?) green slimy mucous (!!) I've ever laid my eyes on. Raising his head, he just blankly stared at me, leaving an inch and a half of thick grossness hanging down from his nose to his bottom lip. Since neither of us had a kleenex and he didn't have time to go back inside, I said, "Wanta use your t-shirt?" I certainly wasn't gonna offer mine! I turned my head for a minute in order to shudder a bit, and when I looked back, the stuff was gone. Guess he either took my advice or used his arm!

Life is never boring at a primary school. My sense of humor always comes in handy, and I do a lot of giggling every day!

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