Tuesday, January 27, 2015

100th Day Planning

Last week, our primary school celebrated the 100th day of school. Many fun activities involving the number 100 were carried out in every classroom. These included making fruit loop necklaces of 100 pieces of cereal, counting 100 steps down the hallway, having snacks of 100 small edibles, and creating very cool pictures with an app that ages children's photos to show what they'll look like at the ripe old age of 100. Many students and staff members dressed up as elderly people, and their disguises were ultra-creative and clever! I saw lots of canes, granny glasses, gray wigs, hats, rolled-down knee-high panty hose, curlers, shawls, and even some purposely smeared lipstick. When I went downstairs to check on a second grade boy that morning, I cackled at his get-up. He had so much baby powder in his hair that it poofed out all over me every time he shook his head, which he took great delight in doing. Creases and wrinkles lined his face, he wore wire-framed glasses and a gray cardigan vest, and he carried a cane and hobbled into the hall. But the funniest part of my brief visit with this little boy was the explanation he offered. "Miss Mimi, do you know why I don't have on those strappy things?" At this point he pulled invisible suspenders out from his chest.. "Suspenders?" I asked. "No,why didn't you wear them today?" With a grin, the child said, "Because if I had them on, I wouldn't be able to go to the bathroom!" Now that's what I call planning ahead!

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