Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Murse

As I lollygagged in the hall early this morning, two giggling second grade boys passed me. They were good-naturedly shoving each other around, and it was obvious that one was teasing the other in a light-hearted way. The taller child seemed eager to share the other's news: "Look Miss Mimi...he has a man purse!" And sure enough, his friend was sporting a large briefcase- type satchel hanging from a shoulder strap. It must have been his dad's and was seemingly about half as big as this laughing little boy! I said, "Well I do believe that's called a murse," This previously unbeknownst term triggered a fit of belly laughs in the kids, and they jauntily sauntered on down the hall in eager expectation of showing and telling their peers about the murse! What characters!

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