Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Chicken Dance

In kindergarten guidance classes this week, I'm reading a story about the importance of sharing friends as opposed to "owning" them. Since the story is set on a farm, I have lots of farm animal puppets to bring to class. The story stars 2 turkeys, so before the lesson, I squeeze a stuffed turkey, causing him to make a fairly realistic sounding gobble. Well, we have 13 kindergarten classes at our school, so I teach the same lesson over and over. Tuesday, one of my morning classes unexpectedly did something no other group of kids had done, and it was adorable! I squeezed the turkey so the children could hear it gobble, and immediately most of the students hopped up and started flapping their arms and legs and squawking like chickens! Where they came up with the inclination to strut around the classroom, I have no idea. Absolutely no other class had done anything like that, but it certainly was amusing! You just never know what might happen next in a primary school!

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