Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Nurse Connie to the Rescue!

While hurrying down the school hallway one morning the week before Christmas vacation, I came upon two second grade girls leaning against the wall chatting. I stopped to speak, and they informed me that they were both on their way to see Nurse Connie. One said she had a sprained ankle, and it was hurting more than usual because she had stumbled while getting out of the car that morning. The other said that she'd hit her leg on a bus seat, causing pain. At this point they started walking toward the nurse's office, but not just regular old walking, mind you. The girl with the sprained ankle hobbled, and the other swooped her unbent leg out to the side in a circular motion. "She's having surgery," said the shorter girl with the ankle pain, nodding in her friend's direction. "I'm just going to the doctor, but she's having surgery." The funny part of this story is that there was no surgery scheduled, nor any NEED for such a thing. These two little characters were just ready for Christmas break to hurry up and get here and were seizing any excuse to liven up their monotonous last week of school routine. I do believe I just encountered two drama queens in the making!

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