Tuesday, May 27, 2014


In kindergarten guidance classes, I'm teaching the children some ways to calm down strong feelings, and I'm making sure to include some ideas that they can use anywhere, even in their classrooms. We've discussed exercise and rest, but also taking belly breaths, counting backwards, clicking from mad thoughts to happy thoughts , and bossing themselves around. After presenting a puppet show that introduced the latter 4 ideas, I had the children practice and discuss them. When we got to the "click" idea, I asked for examples of happy, calming thoughts that students could click onto in order to get their minds to feel less stressed and more peaceful. My favorite freckle-faced boy, whom I've labeled Dennis the Menace, raised his hand and said, "Sitting on a cruise ship drinking lemonade with my girlfriend." As his friends started laughing, the girlfriend, who was sitting about a yard away from "Dennis", raised her hand. Of course I had to hear her reply, so I called on her. Grinning, she said that her happy thought to click onto would be going to the neighborhood pool with "Dennis". "Are you two in love?" I asked with a big old smile. Lots of affirmative responses ensued from the group, and the two lovebirds blushed and smiled and made eyes at each other. About 5 minutes later, our class ended, and the teacher came back into the room. I couldn't wait to share this story with her, but she was already in the loop about the crush. She said that one day earlier in the week, this little boy had come to school all dressed up and had told her he had on his wedding attire. Cracking up, I asked him if he'd wear it again so I could see how handsome he looked. Well lo and behold, this morning when I went to check on him, he stood up and walked toward me wearing a black and white striped dress shirt with the tail hanging out, a yellow tie, khaki pants, and big orange tennis shoes. In addition, his hair was gelled and swooped and swirled in a manner befitting a momentous occasion. His teacher and I looked at each other and cracked up. Then his "intended", his lady love, came out in the hall with us, and the teacher snapped a picture of the happy couple for her end of the year memory disc. Oh, if only I could post their adorable snapshot on Facebook! I'd absolutely love to share it with you, but I guess you'll just have to use your imaginations!

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