Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Hang Onto Your Head!

In kindergarten guidance class, I'm teaching the children about solving problems and deciding how to act. We're discussing the fact that even though grown-ups won't always be with them, their brains and their consciences will be. They'll always be able to decide the best thing to do if they'll really stop and think things through. While trying to make this point, I said, "If you go scuba diving in the ocean, what goes down there with you?" And they'd say, "My conscience and my brain." "If you go flying in an airplane way above the clouds, what goes up there with you?" "My conscience and my brain." "If you hide under your covers, what's under there with you?" "My conscience and my brain." "Can you ever run away from your conscience and your brain?" "No!" Well, after a series of these questions, one little tyke raised his hand and said, "Miss Mimi, if your head gets chopped off, you won't HAVE a brain."  "Amen, Brother," I said.  "Boys and girls, take this as a fair warning.  DON'T GET YOUR HEAD CHOPPED OFF, OR YOU WON'T HAVE A BRAIN!"  Giggles and silliness ensued!

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