Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Last Day Jubilation

Something wacky happened at the bus stop yesterday. It was the last day of school, so emotions, both good and bad, were already running high among the children and teachers. All of a sudden I heard screaming. A mouse had run from the grass onto the sidewalk where students were sitting and teachers were standing. Heading straight to a group of children, the mouse veered, sending two or three teachers into hysteria. They literally became pole dancers as they grabbed onto a support pole and spun around! Then the critter took off to the other end of the sidewalk at a very impressive speed, heading directly toward three teachers who were on their way back into the building. Spying the tiny dynamo, they shrieked and grabbed onto each other for dear life. Again, the mouse changed directions, heading back to the safety of the grass. Before disappearing, he hopped up and down a few times just like a bunny or kangaroo. Guess he was feeling the end-of-the-school-year spirit, too!

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