Tuesday, May 27, 2014


The first hour of my school day is spent doing rainbow charts with children. I go to their rooms, quickly get a 1-10 rating on how well they met their counseling goals the previous day, and have the kids color in the corresponding number of squares on a bar graph. Well, I've been working with a very sweet, impulsive first grade boy on 3 different goals related to work and behavior. Recently, this child has been giving it all he's got, and his efforts have been paying off big-time. Yesterday, his scores were 10, 10, and 9, which are close enough to perfect for me! After coloring his 3 stripes, this freckle-faced boy looked at his chart, grinned widely, shook his head, and said, "This is getting ridiculous!" Then he said, "I got one 9, and the rest, SLAM!" He realized that he had just scored a slam dunk and was ever so appropriately PROUD!

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