Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Polly Puritan

During a lesson in our unit on dealing with teasing, bothering, and bullying, I presented another idea for the children to put in their "treasure chests". This was called The Repeat Technique, which simply means saying the same thing over and over again in a calm voice after being given a put-down. For example, they might choose to repeat, "I'm sorry you feel that way", "Thank you!", or "You could be right!" As we prepared to practice using this strategy, I stressed to the kids that although I would be insulting them, I wouldn't really mean it, that it would be just for practice so they'd be ready if name-calling should actually happen. One red-haired boy raised his hand and said,"We know you won't really mean it, 'cause you're so pure." Looking at his face, I could tell that he was earnest and meant this sincerely. However, I was taken aback, because that's not a compliment I typically (if ever) receive! Just as I prepared to ask the little boy if he knew what pure meant, he continued, "You're really nice. You'd never do anything to hurt anybody." Mixed feelings rushed in, as I was very touched by the child's words and demeanor. However, three teachers were standing directly behind him, and being called pure in front of my peers was embarrassing and funny, too! Fortunately, I just made a joke to cover the giggles I felt coming on. "Why thank you so much. That's a very kind thing to say, and I appreciate it. From now on, y'all can just call me Polly Puritan!" The teachers and I used this opportunity to crack up, the sweet little children joined right in, and we moved on with the lesson! (And now I need to go tell my husband my new nickname!)

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