Friday, August 22, 2014

No Self-Control Required!

We educators LOVE to see children applying what they've learned! Of course knowing what to do and actually doing it are two different things, and even grown-ups (at least THIS grown-up) struggle with that distinction. Well, the other day I was teaching first graders about the all-important discipline of self-control, which can be a struggle all through life. We talked about the difference in FEELING like doing something wrong, such as going back to sleep when the alarm goes off, and actually DOING it. One way causes trouble, and the other just makes us stronger. After reading a story about a classroom of animals who choose to practice self-control for a whole week, we danced to a zippy self-control song. At that point, I encouraged the children to stop, think, and do the right thing, even when they don't want to, and I hustled    them back to class, as it was 2:30 and the bell was about to ring. One freckle-faced girl with a cute pageboy haircut stopped me and said, "Miss Mimi, I know we're in a hurry, but I just wanted to tell you that I really didn't FEEL like standing up to dance, but I did it anyway." And she shot me a wide snaggle-toothed grin. "Well hallelujah, bless your soul, you were using self-control!" I enthused. And I gave her a big hug, since self-control wasn't required at that moment!

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