Saturday, August 8, 2015

Rules Are Cool!

Being a greeter at our school's Meet Your Teacher day was such fun yesterday! The children were beaming and dressed in their very cutest new school clothes. Some even brought in their squeaky clean backpacks because they just couldn't wait until Monday! One of my favorite conversations happened in our school foyer with a family group including Mom, Grandma, 2 golden haired second grade girls, and their kindergarten brother, who was visiting our school as a student for the very first time. As I hugged the girls and asked about their summer, their little brother raised his hand high in the air and stood there waiting to be called on. As I turned my attention to him, he said enthusiastically, "My teacher has Legos!" His sisters joined in to explain how excited their brother was about his new kindergarten classroom. Raising his hand high again, the little boy said, "I have lots of boy Legos at home. My sissy has 100 girl Legos, but my other sissy only has 2." Grinning, Mom said, "You can tell that I deprive them terribly, can't you?" Laughing, I reassured her how obvious it is that her children are loved and nurtured. Again, the little brother raised his hand and stared at me, waiting to be called on. "I have 99 Legos, so I only need one more to have 100!" After sharing in his joy, I told his sisters how cute his hand raising was. In their adorable little girl voices, they widened their eyes, nodded their heads, and said proudly, "He went to pre-school, and they taught him to always raise his hand before he speaks." Well his teacher is certainly going to appreciate his efforts at rule following, along with his exuberant personality. Now let's just hope he continues to remember to WAIT to be called on after that hand reaches toward the ceiling!

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