Sunday, August 23, 2015

Honest Abe?

Have you ever impulsively said something to incriminate yourself? Well a mischievous little boy did that very thing while talking with me in my office recently. He was telling me about a classmate of whom he's not very fond and was getting all worked up. "I mean he blames me for EVERYTHING, even things HE actually did...not ME! I'm telling you that boy can LIE! He lies better than I do, and I LOVE to lie." The funny thing was that my visitor was intensely passionate about that last statement and was staring at me with wide eyes and an ultra serious stare when the lightbulb came on and he realized what he'd just said. "Busted!" I said with a grin. The child blushed, shook his head, and joined in the laughter, and afterwards we had a productive conversation about getting along with peers. To this I can relate very well, as sometimes my big mouth gets me into hot water, too!

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