Saturday, September 12, 2015

Fear and Trembling?

Apparently I entered a first grade classroom very quietly the other day. I say this because a couple of children jumped and gasped when they noticed me setting up to teach, and one little boy said, "Miss Mimi, you SCARED me!" Playing along, I grimaced and growled, "Good! I'm MONSTER Mimi today." Clawing the air and looking as ugly and ferocious as I could, I burst out laughing. As I gazed across the smiling upturned faces of the students, one elfin boy grinned and said in a small voice, "Can I have a hug?" Opening my arms and walking across the room to meet him halfway, a group of other boys and girls jumped up and joined in to form a big group hug. "Well rats!" I said. "So much for being scary and mean. I reckon I couldn't scare a FLEA!" And on that note, we settled down for a guidance lesson. What fun I have with our silly children every day!

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