Saturday, May 24, 2014

September Story

Working in a primary school where all the children are in kindergarten, first, or second grade is so much fun! At these ages, they so want to please (for the most part) and are enthusiastic and affectionate. I love going into their classrooms to read stories, sing and dance, and encourage them to be nice and work hard! I'm in the process of introducing myself to our 350 kindergartners for the first time, and every day I leave the new classes with a big old grin and a light heart! Today I told a class as I was leaving that I'd be back to see them in 2 more Wednesdays. One little girl said "I WISH you could come to my HOUSE!" and a little boy said "Don't come back in 2 Wednesdays, come back tomowwow" (tomorrow without the r sound)! Everybody needs affirmation in order to thrive, and a primary school is a capital place to receive it!

Photo: Finley the dolphin, our Farragut Primary School mascot, welcomes children to school.  He's a "friendly Finley"!

Finley the dolphin, our Farragut Primary School mascot, welcomes children to school. He's a "friendly Finley"!

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