I've been teaching all the first and second graders about how we can be good bystanders and help stop bullying and mean teasing. Three ideas are to be extra nice to the victim, report scary bullying, and never laugh. At the end of these lessons, I play "Don't Laugh at Me", by Paul from Peter, Paul, and Mary. Before playing the song, I explain the words and their meaning and ask the children to be respectful as they listen. I've been so touched by the reactions I've gotten from some of my students. Almost every single one has taken the words seriously and paid focused attention, but a few have tugged at my heartstrings. Spontaneously, a few will start holding hands with their nearby friends. Some will put their heads in their hands and look down. A few have had to go for Kleenex to wipe away tears, although nobody has boo-hooed. Young children have the kindest little hearts and usually want to befriend those in need, and being surrounded by their innocent goodness on a day to day basis is a wonderful blessing.

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