Saturday, May 24, 2014

I-Message Success!

My day ended on a high note one day! My last class was to teach first graders how to make I-Messages. These are peacemaking sentences that start with the word "I", and they can help us speak respectfully even when we're upset. We practiced making these statements in response to scenarios, and the children did a good job. One boy said, "I feel mad when you mess up my room. Please clean it up." Another said, I'm sorry you feel that way." Someone said, "I don't like for you to laugh at me. Please stop." After creating I-Messages for a while, we read a story about a dog who used several I-Messages to help solve his friendship problems. As I was leaving the room with my arms full of teaching materials, I was waylaid at the door by a snaggle-toothed boy. Looking up at me from behind his glasses, he said, "Miss Mimi, I feel glad when you come to teach us a guidance lesson."

His teacher was correct when she told him that he'd just warmed Miss Mimi's heart! It's really exciting to have a child apply the lesson you've just taught before you even leave the room. Thanks for making my day, Buddy!

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