Saturday, May 24, 2014


Okay, sometimes it's a challenge to get 45 first grade students to stay on point for an entire 30 minute lesson, especially on Friday afternoon directly after recess! One day I was getting a lesson started, the children had gotten quiet and attentive, and I was letting them know the lesson topic and what we'd be doing. We had started 10 minutes late due to kids coming in from the playground, getting a drink, putting on their special area tank tops, etc. Noticing a little girl with her hand up, I said, "Is this an emergency?" She said, "No, I just need to tell you something." I said, "But I'm trying to get the lesson started, so is it an emergency?" Looking at me with pleading eyes, she said, "Not really, but I just want to tell you..." Since she looked so wistful, I said, "Okay, what is it?" The little fair-skinned child said in a hesitant voice, "When I grow up, I want to be like you and do the same job you do." Her teacher and I looked at each other with melting eyes and both said, "Aaaww!" Even though I needed to move on with the lesson, I had to say, "Well Sweetie, I know you'll be very good at doing the same job I do!" Working in a primary school provides many heart-warming moments, and for this I'm grateful!

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