Saturday, May 24, 2014

Quick Thinking, Child!

This story cracks me up!  It took place in the fall, and I was wearing black tights with a skirt. Now I admit that I have rather skinny legs ( I prefer to call them slender!), and it's a well-known fact that black makes you look even thinner. Just keep this in mind as you read the rest of the story. 

I was getting started with a lesson, and the children had congregated on the colorful patchwork carpet. They were politely sitting in their criss-cross applesauce listening position. As I greeted the class, a precocious little boy on the front row said, "Miss Mimi, you have skinny legs." Then, thinking that perhaps he'd hurt my feelings, the child widened his brown eyes, bobbed his head rapidly, and said, "but they look very flexible!" Nice save, kid!

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